We’ve had some wonderful hikers join us for self-guided hiking adventures on the Cape to Cape Track during autumn. Here are some of their stories!

Friends tackle Cape to Cape Track on annual hike holiday

Alecia Benzie and friends are pictured above ready to embark on day one of their annual multi-day hiking adventure. This time the group of good mates choose to tackle the Margaret River region’s famous Cape to Cape Track. They’re opting for our user-friendly 5 Day Highlights self-guided tour, taking in the very best sections of the Track over 5 days! Friends from when they went to school and lived across the road from one another, Alecia is joined by Tris, Del and Liz.

Interstate hikers ready to tackle Margaret River’s coastal trail

The smiles say it all! Epic autumn weather, blue skies, mild temps and the Cape to Cape Track awaiting these eager trekkers about to embark on our self-guided adventures. In the purple, we have Kate and her husband Thomas from Brisbane doing our 3-Day Smiths Spectacular. It’s their first time to WA for a holiday and they’re loving it! Then we have Deb, Linda, Nola and Linley – 4 friends from Perth doing the Northern Highlights, taking in the northern half of the Cape to Cape. “Everyone is in great spirits and pumped to get cracking,” says our driver Glen. Go team!

Solo hikers join the trekking action

Other new faces tackling the Cape to Cape Track with us during autumn included Chance Belton (above, left) who is down from Perth to tackle the capes in 5 days. Kate Quigg (above, right) meanwhile is a Sydney girl who has always wanted to tick the Cape to Cape Track off her bucket list. She couldn’t find anyone else to come with her so she came anyway to hike the track solo. That’s the spirit!

From all corners of the globe to the Cape to Cape Track

Kendra, Julie and Tania (pictured above) were also super excited to lace up the hiking boots and get stuck into our self-guided 4-Day Highlights adventure on the Cape to Cape Track! Going self guided means navigating and walking solo, but with our support, logistics, coastal accommodation, track transfers and delicious catering. Too easy! Kendra jetted in from Ohio, USA to catch up with her friend Julie. The pair met many moons ago when Julie went to America on an exchange student program for high school. Along for the adventure is Julie’s long-time friend Tania. Both flew in from Brisbane to tackle the Cape to Cape.

How to book your Margaret River region adventure

Book your self-guided adventure on the Cape to Cape Track or walk with our expert guides on our 8-Day Guided End-to-End adventure. And we’ll see you on the Track soon!

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