by Team | Nov 10, 2017 | tour events and stories
How gorgeous is this video of a baby Western Ringtail Possum (Pseudocheirus occidentalis)? These little guys are ranked as Critically Endangered using the International Union for Conservation of Nature (ICUN) criteria and are endemic to the southwest ecoregion, which...
by Team | Jun 25, 2017 | tour events and stories
The Cape to Cape Track traverses through the incredible Leeuwin Naturaliste National Park. The national park runs along a ridge with a bedrock of ancient granite gneiss, topped with Tamala Limestone, which is home to some of the most beautifully decorated caves on the...
by Team | Mar 13, 2017 | tour events and stories
Last week Nature published the first findings from the Aboriginal Heritage Project, which aims to build the first genetic map of Aboriginal Australia and help indigenous Australians trace their ancestry and family history. Analysing DNA in samples of hair has revealed...
by Team | Apr 28, 2016 | tour events and stories
Recently a lot of evidence has surfaced explaining the science behind how walking in nature can actually change our brains for the better! A dynamic community of writers cooperatively known as Collective Evolution have recently published an article that went viral...