by Team | Dec 30, 2022 | tour events and stories
Want the ultimate land-based fishing experience in the Margaret River region? Then Cape to Cape Explorer Tours can help! We offer a half-day fishing experience, including all gear, bait, logistics, transport, snacks and drinks. With local guides and local knowledge,...
by Team | Apr 7, 2017 | tour events and stories
The migration of the Western Australian Salmon (Arripis truttaceus) draw crowds in their thousands to Australia’s south-west corner every year. Although not as delicious as the mouth-watering pink fleshed Atlantic salmon (Salmo solar), and not at all related,...
by Team | Dec 13, 2016 | tour events and stories
On Saturday 10th December the team from Cape to Cape Explorer Tours got together to celebrate another amazing year showing hikers the incredible trail that we are all so passionate about! We spent the day under the shade of the Melaleuca tree’s and down on the...