by Team | Nov 4, 2019 | tour events and stories
Brian and Jen Gilbert attempted to hike the Cape to Cape Track carrying all their own gear – but soon found out some assistance was in order. The Perth couple were holidaying in Western Australia’s south-west when they decided to tackle Margaret...
by Team | Nov 1, 2019 | tour events and stories
Former Australian Test cricket fast bowler Ross Duncan trekked Margaret River’s spectacular Cape to Cape TrackĀ this week. And he said he was bowled over by its rugged beauty, inspiring scenery and carpets of wildflowers. Ross and his wife Gayle jetted into...
by Team | Oct 18, 2019 | tour events and stories
It was a melding of cultures when Aboriginal elder Bill Webb met students from the Chinese International School in Margaret River this week. The 18 high school students aged 15-16 and three teaching staff joined Cape To Cape Explorer Tours to hike the 135km length of...
by Team | Oct 18, 2019 | tour events and stories
THEY surfed, hiked, laughed and bonded – and for a few moments Margaret River helped ease the anguish of being affected by cancer. Cape to Cape Explorer Tours was stoked and humbled to team up with the youth cancer service CanTeen to host our second adventure...
by Team | Sep 27, 2019 | tour events and stories
Severe injuries from a cycling crash almost ended Louise Richardsā hopes of tackling Margaret River’s best hike. But this week the Sydney nurse ticked the iconic 135km Cape to Cape Track off her bucket list. She joined five other hikers on Cape To Cape Explorer...